Morse Code characters are simple - each letter and number has its own unique dot-dash code. Choose a table based on the language you want to translate or learn about. Below are the Morse Code characters for all supported languages:

Note: Morse codes are the same for both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Latin Numbers Punctuation Cyrillic Greek Hebrew Arabic Persian Japanese Korean Thai


Latin Letter Morse Code
A .-
B -...
C -.-.
D -..
E .
F ..-.
G --.
H ....
I ..
J .---
K -.-
L .-..
M --
N -.
O ---
P .--.
Q --.-
R .-.
S ...
T -
U ..-
V ...-
W .--
X -..-
Y -.--
Z --..


Numbers Morse Code
0 -----
1 .----
2 ..---
3 ...--
4 ....-
5 .....
6 -....
7 --...
8 ---..
9 ----.


Punctuation Morse Code
. .-.-.-
, --..--
? ..--..
' .----.
! -.-.--
/ -..-.
( -.--.
) -.--.-
& .-...
: ---...
; -.-.-.
= -...-
+ .-.-.
- -....-
_ ..--.-
" .-..-.
$ ...-..-
@ .--.-.
¿ ..-.-
¡ --...-


Cyrillic Letter Morse Code
А .-
Б -...
В .--
Г --.
Д -..
Е .
Ж ...-
З --..
И ..
Й .---
К -.-
Л .-..
М --
Н -.
О ---
П .--.
Р .-.
С ...
Т -
У ..-
Ф ..-.
Х ....
Ц -.-.
Ч ---.
Ш ----
Щ --.-
Ъ --.--
Ы -.--
Ь -..-
Э ..-..
Ю ..--
Я .-.-
Ї .---.
Є ..-..
І ..
Ґ --.


Greek Letter Morse Code
Α .-
Β -...
Γ --.
Δ -..
Ε .
Ζ --..
Η ....
Θ -.-.
Ι ..
Κ -.-
Λ .-..
Μ --
Ν -.
Ξ -..-
Ο ---
Π .--.
Ρ .-.
Σ ...
Τ -
Υ -.--
Φ ..-.
Χ ----
Ψ --.-
Ω .--


Hebrew Letter Morse Code
א .-
ב -...
ג --.
ד -..
ה ---
ו .
ז --..
ח ....
ט ..-
י ..
כ -.-
ל .-..
מ --
נ -.
ס -.-.
ע .---
פ .--.
צ .--
ק --.-
ר .-.
ש ...
ת -


Arabic Letter Morse Code
ا .-
ب -...
ت -
ث -.-.
ج .---
ح ....
خ ---
د -..
ذ --..
ر .-.
ز ---.
س ...
ش ----
ص -..-
ض ...-
ط ..-
ظ -.--
ع .-.-
غ --.
ف ..-.
ق --.-
ك -.-
ل .-..
م --
ن -.
ه ..-..
و .--
ي ..


Persian Letter Morse Code
ا .-
ب -...
پ .--.
ت -
ث -.-.
ج .---
چ ---.
ح ....
خ -..-
د -..
ذ ...-
ر .-.
ز --..
ژ --.
س ...
ش ----
ص .-.-
ض ..-..
ط ..-
ظ -.--
ع ---
غ ..--
ف ..-.
ق ---...
ک -.-
گ --.-
ل .-..
م --
ن -.
و .--
ه .
ی ..


Japanese Letter Morse Code


Korean Letter Morse Code


Thai Letter Morse Code
เง -.--.
เจ -..-.
เฉ ----
เต -

How to Make Space in Morse Code?

Space Between Dots and Dashes in a Character: This is a very short pause, almost the duration of one dot. It separates the dots and dashes that make up a single character.

Space Between Characters: This is a slightly longer pause, about the duration ofthree dots. It separates individual characters, like the numbers or letters in a word.

Space Between Words or Distinct Parts of a Message: This is the longest pause, about the duration of seven dots. It separates words or different parts of a message.

Example: Writing "2024 year"

2024 in Morse Code:
"2" is "..---"
"0" is "-----"
"4" is "....-"
So, "..--- ----- ....-" represents "2024", with a pause of three dots between each number.

Space Between "2024" and "year": After "2024", leave a longer pause (seven dots) before starting "year".

"year" in Morse Code:
"y" is "-.--"
"e" is "."
"a" is ".-"
"r" is ".-."
Combining these with a three-dot pause between each letter gives "-.-- . .- .-." for "year".

Putting it all together, "2024 year" in Morse code with the correct spacing is:

..--- ----- ....- (Pause for seven dots) -.-- . .- .-.

Here, the seven-dot pause between "2024" and "year" distinctly separates the number from the word, ensuring that the message is read correctly as "2024 year" and not as a continuous string of numbers and letters.